Summer Science Camps
The three FOPUSA teachers conducted training workshops in inquiry-based science teaching for thirty TCF teachers and principals and twenty-five Pakistani college student volunteers at training sites in Karachi and Lahore.
See this video about The Citizens Foundation and Education in Pakistan:
Did we really make a difference?
This is a question that every Peace Corps volunteer who served in Pakistan must be asking.
In seeking an answer we need to read Back to Pakistan: A Fifty Year Journey by Pak 2 volunteer Leslie Noyes Mass published last year by Rowman & Littlefield.
Leslie returned to Pakistan in 2008 as a volunteer with The Citizens Foundation nearly half a century after her assignment as a community development worker in a village near Lahore.
She paints a glowing picture of the educational work of the Pakistan NGO, but she also revisits her village and finds that much has changed—but there in the communities where we served, we are remembered.
She paints a glowing picture of the educational work of the Pakistan NGO, but she also revisits her village and finds that much has changed—but there in the communities where we served, we are remembered.
To read an interview with Leslie Noyes Mass about her return to Pakistan, go to and click on Peace Crps Volunteer returns to Pakistan.
The royalties from the sale of Leslie's book, Back to Pakistan, A Fifty-year Journey, and honoraria from talks she gives about Pakistan all go towards supporting women and girls education in Pakistan.
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